Online tools for the Homestuck fandom, from quirk converters to classpect quizzes. If you want your website here, or if you want us to host your tool for free, use our Contact page.
A Homestuck writing tool for AO3, MSPFA, plain HTML, and other outputs. Basically lets you type in plaintext and automatically generates formatted text with pesterlog colors, the right fonts, etc.
UseA web-app which allows easy searching of a large database of tagged Homestuck panels by character, location, and even objects. Tagging was performed by volunteers, and sadly only for acts 1-4.
UseA website that lets you, with a click, copy any hex code for the colors of the Homestuck characters, as well as basically any consistent Homestuck color you can imagine.
UseA website that lets you generate CSS text boxes for your Homestuck fanventure, so that your dialogue looks exactly like pesterlogs in Homestuck panels. Has some additional Javascript features useful for fan adventures like command boxes. Also has textboxes for other franchises, from Earthbound to Hylics.
UseA website that lets you define a complex Homestuck quirk with logical rules, then test it live. Similar to Pesterchum's own quirk designer.
UseThis website allows you to paste pesterlogs and get the HTML/AO3/BBcode codes for them (with the proper colors) automatically, as well as applying canon quirks if you want. An alternative for canon logs is ReadMSPA's search page, which will automatically copy and paste the right color codes.
UseA quirk converter. Just type normal text and it'll be converted to an infinity to quirks at once.
UseA few other converters that might be useful for weirder Homestuck quirks:
A website that streamlines the creation of a few "stock" animations for Homestuck fanventures, like "Enter Name", specibus allocations, first guardian effects...
UseA custom character screen creator, Act 6-style. You will need to provide your assets, but it will output the code ready to use in MSPFA or whatever site you use for hosting your adventures.
UseFor those who want to try out alchemy, this lets you input two codes, select an alchemy operation and get the resulting code.
UseA website that allows you to improve your Alternian skills. The site will show text in alternian and you'll have to select the right English letters to progress, or viceversa.
UseA 2012 title test consisting of only 12 questions, mostly based around how you contribute to the fandom. Updated on 2022 by us to reflect the newest communities and canon information.
UseA 2014 title quest that gives you your class and aspect based on a very short self-administered personality test. It argues it's the cleanest, most streamline one, cutting all unnecessary variables.
UseA probably obsolete 2012 test consisting on taking three external personality tests and combining your answers to get your title.
UseA 2013 test based around "associations" with a long list of themes. Only gives you your aspect, not your title.
UseDerived from an anonymous spreadsheet quiz posted on 4chan, this is a really elaborate version of the test, with personality questions that you mark from 1-10 depending on how you feel about them. We find this one is eerily accurate to the comic personalities/classpect matches. (Bug us to fully mirror this)
UseThis calculator uses a canon-compatible formula based on a Tumblr post by jzu to calculate your Patron Troll.
UseA 2014 list that assembles a ton of miscellaneous quizzes, from quotev classpect quizzes, to blood color, prospit or derse, even lands. Worth checking out if you don't mind very outdated or low quality quizzes.
UseA visual session simulator, generates a group of players, or lets you design them, and puts them through the grinder. The website of FarragoFiction also comes with a sprite designer, Troll Call designer, and a few more tools.
UseThe most complete generator, assigns you a land, a title (with many fanon options), a specibus, consorts and even your chumhandle.
UseAn AU generator for the popular Altblood trend, canon trolls but with new blood colors, leading to new personality traits and dynamics.
UseA generator for scalemate names, which luckily include colors, so really you're generating the entire scalemate.
UseGenerates a story prompt based on six chosen Homestuck-themed cards. Based on the game by Looney Labs.
UseAnother macrogenerator focused on human players. You can also select your personality traits to give you more accurate lands, specifibi and lands. Uses fanon classpects and denizens.
UseLike the former character generator, but focused on a single fantroll, giving you their blood, their tastes and dislikes, etc.
UseA chumhandle generator that lets you choose the initials you want to generate it with.
UseThis tool generates a random carapace name (like Peregrine Mendicant) with the press of a button.
UseA series of simple, focused random generators for character appearances, interests, titles, troll names, horns, outfits, symbols and more.