Other Homestuck Meta

Any meta resources and links that didn't fit in the other pages. If you have anything you'd like to add to this list, please use the Contact page.

Homestuck.com Feedback Document

A list assembled by /r/homestuck and the Homestuck+Hiveswap Discord with the purpose of making Homestuck.com the best site it can be, on an official writer’s request. A variety of missing flashes, typos and other technical and visual issues, are all documented here.

Another document by Skyplayer and Homestuck.info documents the status of the flash conversions.


MS Paint Adventures Wiki

A previously overburdened project to catalogue and define everything Homestuck, now under new management and getting better. Our advice is you avoid the trivia sections for now until they're fixed, though. They're looking for help, and if you're interested they suggest you join their Discord server.



While mostly focused on slightly humorously describing the tropes of Homestuck, there's some interesting trivia in the many pages of its MSPA/Homestuck related articles.
