Classpect Quiz

Derived directly from a spreadsheet posted on 4Chan's Homestuck thread.
All quiz content comes straight from the sheet, so any spelling issues aren't mine.

Rate yourself from 0-10 in each category based on how true you consider it, where 0 doesn't match you at all and 10 is a perfect fit.

Make sure to select something for every row or the result won't be accurate!

Optional switch for gender aligned classes (most accurate on all):

Your classpect is:


This page directly loads the spreadsheet and converts it to javascript on page load.
Excel formulae are converted to javascript and run just like they are in the sheet, so it might be a little slow.

This means that if the anon who made the sheet ever makes a new version, this can be updated very easily.
(It also means I don't actually know how the sheet works! The general concept would work for any spreadsheet.)

You can download the exact sheet used to make the page right here!
