Toblerone Wishes granted by Andrew Hussie
A list of the wishes that once affected the post-canon of the Homestuck franchiseKey dates and locations
Point Lobos, California August 25th, 2019 Andrew Hussie originally plants 20 toblerones near a cave in Point Lobos, California. Lucky fans who find them will be able to ask for a wish to affect future Homestuck canon. 4 toblerones are taken by Twitter user @placeholder4abn in Point Lobos, one gifted to someone else putting it out of play, two to be replanted.
San Luis Obispo, California September 19th, 2019 The two San Luis Obispo toblerones are planted by @placeholder4abn and found.
Jiufen, Taiwan October 11th, 2019 Andrew Hussie plants 3 toblerones in Jiufen, Taiwan. One is immediately found and claimed. 2 remaining toblerones are taken by /u/Makin-, one to be replanted.
Seoul, South Korea October 17th, 2019 Andrew Hussie plants 5 toblerones and 20 character sketches in Seoul, South Korea. A bunch of shenanigans happen, but eventually all toblerones are found validly by different people.
Osaka, Japan December 12th, 2019 /u/Makin- plants the final Taiwan toblerone in Osaka, Japan and it's soon found.
Nantucket, Massachussets April 21st, 2021 Andrew Hussie leaves the Homestuck franchise for good. All remaining wishes are either assumed granted in secret or unfulfilled.
Known Wishes