RIP HIC Everything in the session proceeds as planned, until John from the pre-scratch timeline uses an unforeseen ability to disrupt the course of events, breaking HIC's mental grip on her powerful servants, and turning the tide in their favor. They all team up to challenge her. The battle is closely fought, but at long last, she is defeated. She has no idea how it came to this. There's a fucking anime sword impaling her through the chest. She's on the floor, bleeding out, thinking the final thoughts of her life. The kids who killed her have left her there to die. They've taken her flooded planet that she worked so hard to conquer. They've stolen her reward, the new universe she was going to rule. She thinks over the last several hundred years of her life. A wild journey she never imagined she would go on. It was in service to a master she hated, slavery she resented every minute of. Yet they were the most exhilarating years of her very long life. Calamity shows up. She's here to say goodbye. HIC has fully served her purpose, from Calamity's point of view. All she ever wanted was to ensure the conditions were satisfied for the birth of her children. It was nothing personal. She needed to contain HIC's wild impulses, to keep her in check, to make sure she stayed in the rails of her designated global conquest to secure the future birthplace of her son and daughter. Now it's over. They have both succeeded, and Calamity must travel to the new universe to find her mate, and breed. The last thing HIC sees is Calamity throwing off her shroud, spreading her angel wings, and flying up to Skaia. HIC closes her eyes and dies.