2040-2424 - Preparing Alternia C In time, the rest of humanity dies. All but the highest peaks on Earth are fully submerged in water. HIC creates some floating colonies for some carapacian clones imported from the session. On Earth, she prepares conditions for the two kids arriving in 2424 who are needed to open the session. But she can still visit the session any time via certain access points. She is in the process of conquering Derse as well, and becoming its queen, to prepare for the work that needs to be done there. Even having conquered and flooded Earth, it is still just a prototype planet. She will have one of her powerful new servants from the session transport the planet to a new universe she forces them all to make for her. Then, finally finished with the work she was assigned by her master, she will be free of his influence forever. She will rule Alternia C, resurrect the troll race, and continue her reign more powerful than ever.