1977 - Chaplin's Last Stand Harry (25) and Fieri (12) are touring the Fieri clone labs. Fieri is a very evil and precocious child. He has been corrupting Harry's pure heart gradually, by funneling money from HIC to support his struggling magic career. He's been whispering in his ear, swearing he'd line up Hollywood gigs too. Might be able to get him his own sitcom some day. Harry for a few years has gotten under the thumb of HIC, looking after the army of tens of thousands of young Fieri clones in facilities around the world. Harry wonders where it all went wrong. Remembers the haunted look in Laurel's eyes when Chaplin killed him. The look that seemed to be begging for death. Was this who he was becoming? The children are rowdy today. They truly are pure evil. Whatever was happening here... it was wrong. All wrong. Fieri takes him to a special area. They go deeper and deeper into the belly of the beast. Finally Harry sees two young kids, around 5 years old. One big, one small. They are revered by the thousands of other chubby, unpleasant children. Behold, our messiahs. The perfect result of the Fieri Clone Project. Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope. All the children begin whooping, and bowing reverently. It's too much for Harry. He buckles over and vomits. That's when his master shows up. Chaplin (88) wears a dark expression. And you, too, have succumbed to this depravity, my once beloved apprentice? Harry cannot look him in the eye. Chaplin assumes a valorous fighting stance. Now that his pupil has been corrupted, he knows the legacy of the vaudeville assassins will die with him. He will take as many of these little bastards down with him as he can. Young Violent J gestures disdainfully toward the intruder. Chaplin is swarmed by Fieri Clones. Guy Fieri roars with maniacal laughter. Harry is sobbing.