1964 - The Fieri Clones Laurel has spent a few years overseeing the advancement of the facilities. He still has no idea what they're supposed to accomplish, but HIC has invited him to an initial demonstration of their mission. There are two large objects, both have huge tarps over them. She removes one tarp, revealing a big contraption, which involves one large glass jar containing Jesse James' old severed head in brine. Next to that is another same-sized jar, that appears to be full of several gallons of human ejaculate. The hat on top of this jar suggests to Laurel that this large supply of genetic material belonged to Hardy, which HIC had been harvesting from him for years. She pushes a button, and in a flash of light, a baby clone combining those two sources of DNA is created. She quickly pushes another button, which rapidly accelerates the growth of the clone to become a full grown man. He is a horrid, fat, naked man, who is laughing maniacally. He has the mind of a baby, and all he seems to know how to do is stagger around laughing like a lunatic. She explains that she is using the combinations of genetic material from previous servants to make the perfect human, and ultimate heir to her dominion here on Earth. Much like she customarily had an heiress on her home planet, the last of which was named Feferi, who she never got a chance to kill in combat. So she will name this boorish laughing man in her honor. But he's a guy, not a girl, so this will be a Guy Feferi. The clone seems delighted by this, and mimics gleefully, "F-F-F... FIERI! FIERI!!!" HIC shrugs, as if that sounds fine. Guy Fieri, whatever. She really doesn't give a shit. She pushes him out of the way, and does another few demonstrations. The next couple clones are much worse, much uglier, imperfect copies. Just absolute wretches, grotesque, bloated Fieri clones. She gets frustrated, and concentrates very carefully on the settings, getting the DNA balance just right. She pushes the button, accelerates growth, and... at last. She's done it. This clone seems a little more focused, more cunning, less maniacally crazed than Fieri Prime. This one will be her absolute STAR. Her ultimate clown servant, the one who will lead on her behalf once she rules all. He will go on to be known as Violent J. She seems extremely excited about all this. But Laurel is disgusted by this plan. He was not prepared for this level of depravity, and can't hide his revulsion. HIC notices this, and shows pity. She assures him that she hasn't forgotten how valuable his service has been to him. He sulks a bit. She walks up to him, puts her hand on his face with a sort of condescending sympathy. Did he really think she'd forgotten him? He looks up with puppy dog eyes. Then she slashes his face with her claw, drawing blood. She pulls the tarp off the other, nearly identical device. It has the same two jars, but one has Hitler's severed head in the brine. The other jar that should have the ejaculate in it, is empty. She opens the top, and flicks some of Laurel's blood into it. She pushes the button again, clones and accelerates growth. Another nude clown, this one much thinner. Laughs, gives Laurel an evil grin. This one will go on to be known as Shaggy 2 Dope. Laurel is horrified, clutches his bleeding face. HIC explains that these will be her two perfect clown servants, her messiahs that will help bring about the resurrection of her home planet. As he knows, she always prefers to have two servants. He should be honored that he and Hardy's genes will live on in the perfect bodies of these noble clown soldiers. The naked clones all advance toward him slowly, menacingly. He backs away, reaches for his gun. Suddenly, HIC kills all the clones with her trident. Laurel is stunned, confused. She says, this was only a demonstration. These are prototype clones, to show off the final products. But they have empty minds. Of no use to her as brainless adults. They need to be cloned as infants, and embedded throughout the world, such that they grow up and obtain major positions of cultural influence. They need to be raised, groomed to agitate on her behalf, while being genetically programmed toward being unshakably loyal to HIC. She activates the first machine again, and recreates Fieri Prime, but as an infant. She picks him up, cradles him lovingly. He attempts to breastfeed. She walks over, explains more to Laurel. This will take patience. She will need his help, seeding the world with her Fieri clones. Laurel's head is spinning. She takes pity, explains to him the bigger picture. In truth, while these clones are prototypes, this entire timeline is also a prototype. From the moment she arrived, up until the world ends, everything that's happened has been sort of a trial run. The apocalypse will come in the year 2009, once Jake's work is complete. And then, once the universe is reset through the software he releases into the world, she will journey to the rebooted universe, and start over from scratch, and retrace all her steps. But this time, she must continue to fine-tune the blueprints of her plan. To perfect the steps she has been taking all along toward world domination. And in that timeline, the world will not end in 2009. Beyond that year, it will simply belong to her. Laurel is so confused, but resigned to her absolute supremacy. He knows she is ancient, infinitely powerful, and what she says is probably true. He lost his soul long ago to her. No matter what she does, he would follow her to the end of the world. And she knows he would. She thrusts the baby into Laurel's arms. He cradles it uncomfortably. She says, now go. Take young Fieri into the world. Hide him somewhere that he may grow up, and sow his evil.