1945 - WWII Hitler gets really carried away in his new position. Aside from just being an asshole, he seems mostly motivated by spite for Einstein, who keeps being a beloved famous scientist, despite being a fraud. He takes his wrath out on jews especially, and kicks the holocaust into high gear. As years go by, he keeps sending taunting letters to Einstein, telling him this is all his fault. He can stop the holocaust and end WWII any time he wants, all he has to do is come out publicly and admit he's a fraud. He has to say really specific things Hitler has written for him, like "I'M A BIG FUCKING LOSER FRAUD, WHO'S BAD AT SCIENCE, I FAKED ALL MY BREAKTHROUGHS, MY DUMB SCRAGGLY HAIR AND MUSTACHE LOOK GAY, AND I DON'T DESERVE ANY OF MY FAME OR MONEY..." and so on. But no matter how bad WWII gets, Einstein is too ashamed to do anything about it. Instead, he keeps up his act, and develops a really pious, pacifist shtick where he opines on the tragedy and folly of war and such. He takes his shameful secret to his grave. Chaplin becomes deeply concerned about the war. After years of Jake-fueled depression, Chaplin finally gets on the phone with Laurel. Urges him to do something. Chaplin stands no chance. He's out of shape, hasn't been in the business in years. Karno's Army is disbanded. Laurel is the only one who can stop him. Needs to do it to avenge their old master, Houdini. Laurel's like, wait what? Hitler Killed Houdini? Chaplin says yeah. And lastly, he says if nothing else... take him down for biting his style. He hangs up. Laurel brings the matter to HIC. She doesn't care at all about the death toll of WWII, but nearing the end of the war, even she finally has to admit that Hitler is causing so much chaos, it's in danger of disrupting her plans. She wonders why Calamity has done nothing about this. Laurel explains that her syndicate is defunct. HIC finally approves the hit. She orders Laurel to take him out. But she has to admit she's impressed by the devastation Hitler has caused. She asks him to take him out, on the condition that he brings something back for her. Laurel infiltrates deep into German territory near the end of the war. He discovers Hitler's bunker, where he's hiding. They fight for a bit, but Hitler is pathetic. He was always lazy in honing his vaudeville combat skills, whereas Laurel's were sharp as ever. He knocks Hitler to the ground, takes out his gun. They have an extensive, melodramatic dialogue. Laurel issues an icy one-liner, and shoots him in the head. Then he takes out a knife, to satisfy HIC's request. Laurel returns home, enters Crocker manor with Hitler's severed head under his arm. He hears HIC and Hardy upstairs loudly fornicating. He winces. He goes to the study to deliver the head. Jane (35) is in there, closes the door behind him. She doesn't seem to care about or notice the Hitler head at all. She was just worried about him, and missed him. He puts the head down on the desk, and listens to her. She can't take living here anymore. She doesn't want to be the heiress to this shitty company. She's getting old. She wants her own life, to start a family. With HIM. He's also frustrated with life here. He is tempted to run away with her. But... he can't. His loyalty to HIC is too strong. She gets more heated. She at least wants to have his baby. She will leave, and raise it herself. He acquiesces to this. They have sex on the couch, while the Hitler head stares at them. When they are done, Jane leaves the Crocker compound for good.