1926 - RIP Houdini Somewhere in Europe, Houdini is sitting in the lounge of some hotel. By pure chance, Hitler is passing through that hotel, and spots him. He immediately challenges him to his famous stomach punching trick, to see if he can take it. Before Houdini even knows what's going on, Hitler punches him in the stomach by surprise as hard as he can. Then he laughs his ass off, and walks away. Houdini groans and collapses. Later, he dies. Meanwhile, Chaplin's "friendship" with Jake has turned into a turbulent romantic affair. Jake knows virtually nothing, and has proven to be an absolutely worthless source of intelligence on Crocker's internal matters. Chaplin also increasingly finds him obnoxious and thoughtless, but can't seem to quit him. He rationalizes continued relationship as needed to maintain a key intelligence asset until Jake is reactivated as an important part of the network.