1903 - Patent Office By now, Twain has realized Einstein (24) is kind of a loser. He's not a very good huckster con man. Doesn't have near the versatility Twain has. Twain decommissions him as an undercover operative, and just sends him to work at one of Skaianet's patent offices in Europe, processing hundreds of patents a day for laundered tech. But during his work there, he continues to be used as a figurehead intellectual who is credited with various scientific "breakthroughs" as a cover story for Skaianet. He works peacefully in the patent office for about a year, relieved to have boring work to do instead of getting caught up in company intrigue. Then, he's called for a favor by an old "friend", Houdini. He wants to relocate Hitler (15) to work in his patent office. Einstein hates this idea, but isn't sure what to do. Apparently Hitler is such an atrocious student, so deeply unfunny and uncommitted to the craft of vaudeville combat, that Houdini is desperate to get rid of him by "promoting" him to a "more important" job. He would really appreciate this favor. Einstein is very uncomfortable. Checks with HIC. She likes the idea of keeping a student of Karno's Army close by. She orders Einstein to keep a close eye on Hitler. He's stuck with him. For the next 6 years, they both work crammed together in this small patent office. Hitler is absolutely awful to work with. He's worse than ever, a complete bitch. He doesn't do much work, fucks up what little he does, and fucks up anything Einstein does. HIC sees absolutely no reason to change this situation for years, and greatly enjoys hearing Einstein's miserable reports. Hitler continues to build a huge grudge toward Einstein, as over the years Einstein is publicly credited with more and more "scientific breakthroughs". He is becoming a major celebrity in the science world, which consumes Hitler with rage and envy, because Hitler knows he's a complete fraud. An intense rivalry develops between them, but it is lopsided. All Einstein wants to do is go back to the US and get away from this bullshit. Meanwhile, Chaplin climbs the ranks of Karno's Army. Laurel is his understudy, both in show business, and as a warrior. They continue their training furiously, preparing for difficult times ahead. Chaplin begins to gain some notoriety as a performer. Hitler takes note of this, becomes jealous, and starts biting his style. By 1909, HIC and Twain finally recall Einstein back to the states, much to his relief. They need him to be on hand for the arrival of two very important new recruits to the company. By this point, Hitler is an official employee of Skaianet, and their responsibility to decide what to do with. Also by now, SN owns a great deal of European infrastructure. So Twain simply "promotes" Hitler from the patent office to a completely useless military post somewhere in Europe.