1881 - Crocker HIC has relocated to Connecticut. She has completely reinvented herself. Her alias is now Betty Crocker. She has started a baking company named Crocker Corp to serve as a front for her many illicit enterprises. Her fortune continues to amass, and she launders it all through this company. Her skill at baking has skyrocketed, and her products are becoming more popular in the region. She has established a business partnership with Twain, and relocated to the northeast with him. She has only a platonic relation with Twain. Since Jesse's death, she has sworn off fornicating with humans. Something unsavory and unbusinesslike about it. Like fucking a dog. Twain uses his skills as a drunken grifter, and notable, charismatic entertainer to assist with her schemes. And she in turn uses her corporate leverage to boost his career and fame to new levels, increasing his degree of influence. It's a more constructive partnership than she had as a gangster out west. In time, Twain is corrupted by her utterly. The partnership is not of mutual benefit, as it initially seemed. He understands all of his freewheeling ways are in absolute service to her. His drinking problems escalate, but he remains loyal and serviceable to her. He continues to refine his various tricks as a con man, inventing different characters and aliases, but his mainstay is Sassacre. He develops a completely unwarranted reputation as an intellectual, a man of science and learning, on the orders of HIC.