1876 - RIP James Bros Jesse and Frank rob a bank. They bring a dozen men from the gang this time. They shoot the place up, demand money. The heist is interrupted by Calamity. By now she is a widely-known folk hero. She kills all the goons. Wounds Jesse and Frank, takes them to jail to collect the reward. She, like HIC, has been accumulating wealth over the years, but as a mercenary of justice. HIC hears of this, and visits them in prison when no one is there. She easily rips open the prison door, and lets them out. Frank sobs, apologizes profusely. He explains it was Calamity again. HIC fumes at hearing her name. She kills Frank. Jesse, upset, kneels in front of her. He pledges to get revenge, to hunt Calamity down. He loves her, will do anything for her. She tells him she knows. He was always her favorite. She rips his head off, and keeps it as a memento. She leaves. It's time to move on from this foolish gang of lawless cowboys, and proceed to the next phase of her plan.