IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. (Which turned out not to be that important, after all.)
So you may have noticed I haven’t been liveblogging in the past few days, right? Well, I’ve got good news and bad news regarding that. I will just drop it. After eight years of loyal service, my computer died a couple of days ago. Like… It refuses to turn on. At all. It’s devoid of any life, CAPUT. It may or may not have been my fault? But honestly, my a-little-too-forceful kicks to the desktop just before it shut down on its own and died is obliviously just a coincidence. Obviously. (I suspect a sabotage, I DID have an ongoing bet with my ask screener to begin Act 4 before April 13th, duh. I accuse him of witchcraft.)
BUUUUUT, there was good news, wasn’t there? I kept liveblogging and I am just finished reading the intermission! I’m posting the whole thing as soon as I get my hands on my sweet new buy! Which should be either tomorrow or on Tuesday.
So, the intermission. I will let the facts speak for themselves. I read the thing in one sitting. I never read so much so fast. More than 200 pages in one evening. I ENJOYED IT IMMENSELY. And I seriously fail to understand why anyone would choose to skip it. The characters are incredibly charming, incredibly moronic but also incredibly charming. Well, they WERE charming, until SOMEONE *glares accusingly at Spades Slick* just HAD to indirectly kill them all. Rest in pieces, everyone. At least Snowman and the universe were spared.
Following the characters through weird time shenanigans, be-headings, occasional cannibalism, flipping sprites, the tidbits of Homestuck, and the horrible puns, was a wonderful experience. The intermission gave me so much satisfactions, you have no idea. I finally could put my wild theorist abilities to use! I wish it lasted a little longer. I WISH I GOT TO SEE MORE TROLLS??? AND THEY’RE ALIENS??? The reveal wasn’t that big, I kind of figured it out shortly before I got to that point. Well, more than figured it out, I accepted the hard truth. But I don’t know why I’m telling you all this, since I will be posting it soon. I GUESS I JUST WANTED TO SHARE MY EXCITEMENT ABOUT THE INTERMISSION. Also, my happiness and relief about the fact that the aliens at least didn’t turn out to be green tentacles monsters. Which was my main concern.
The sad thing is that I had to stop at the beginning of Act 4 because there is a flash game just at the beginning! The beautiful thing is that I DID begin Act 4 so it’s time to cash in my bet!
EDIT: I forgot to mention that my ask screener provided me with a test to discover what my title in Sburb would be and apparently I am a Mage of Heart?? I am not sure what I could do. But I would enchant everyone’s heart while doing it, that’s an undeniable fact.