ROSE AS A WITCH 2K15... I think.
Curtains closed on ACT 2, but many question have arisen that absolutely need an answer.
I have re-watched WV: Ascend. There were some HUGE things I didn’t notice. Like the fact that the meteor which landed near the volcano came out of A SBURB RELATED PORTAL. And where did that frog temple even come from?! Because when it was built, and after vegetation had grown, there were still pterodactyls around.
Also, I swear everything that has ever existed in this universe is Sburb related.The laboratory next to Rose’s house in no exception. And Rose will probably get there, since there is no way we’re not exploring the place before she enters The Medium.
And EPIC FAIL for the imps that brought Dad away in his son’s trick handcuffs. He will have no problems handling those little shits now that he’s free. HE IS HARMED WITH CAKE. AND BEHOLD… SHAVING CREAM!! THE IMPS’ ONE TRUE WEAKNESS!
Written on the unabridged copy of Colonel Sassacre!
Meh. Maturity? I wouldn’t go that far.
Literally everyone in the family is SO proud of John.
…How would you know about that if you wrote this before dying?
……I’m confused. Well, of course. DAD did lock it away in a safe after her death. And now John has it. Some sort of family heirloom? DAD did mean to leave it to John when the kid was older.
HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ALL THIS???? JUST HOW???? I SWEAR THIS IS LIKE GG ALL OVER AGAIN ONLY TEN TIMES WORSE. Because GG gets little bits of knowledge as she goes but NANNA just knew EVERYTHING BEFOREHAND. There are too many psychics in this webcomic.
Warring Royalty. WV has some strong opinions on the people you speak about.
A realm of Agents and Exiles and Consorts and Kernelsprites.
One of these things is not like the other. AS IN THERE IS ONLY ONE THING I KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT. Ugh.
Of toiling Underlings and slumbering Denizens.
Whoever they are they do not sound friendly. Especially the slumbering ones. You do not wake the slumbering no matter the story genre they’re inserted in. Fantasy? Noo, bad, bad, bad!! Sci-fi? EVEN WORSE! Horror? Do you have a DEATH WISH? …Wanna bet that that the first thing John does when he meets one is waking them up? Cue Rose adds a three pages long section on her FAQ in which she forgets what purple prose is all about and just goes on full rant. “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! WHY IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY WIZARDS WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING SO MORONIC!!??” It’s going to be beautiful.
A realm where four will gather, the Heir of Breath and Seer of Light, the Knight of Time and Witch of Space, and together they will Ascend.
I would just say that they are listed in order of appearance. John, Rose, Dave, GG. And it fits for the guys.
John has been inheriting things left and right. Plus, an heir is a person who will have big responsibilities thrust upon themselves and I think this might have a lot to do with John’s character arc. And Breath. Well, I don’t know much about that but I did refer to John as an air-head and a “breath of fresh air”. If it is related to personality, then it fits. Also it could be related to life and/or freedom?
Dave as a knight is less certain, but he has a sword and knows how to use it and he usually keeps his cool, he has also already been thrust into the role. Protecting and saving people. Even though Rose is by no means a damsel in distress. Time… Well, he was the only kid I didn’t scream at because of ridiculous wastes of time! Heh. Time as patience? Or as in waiting for your time to shine. Because his personality is pretty influenced by BRO and it will take time for him to develop his own? Or as in the time he will take to heal from that hell he calls an house.
Now with Rose and GG… I don’t understand. I really don’t understand. Rose as a Seer. Someone who sees stuff that happens in the future and tells the others. Useful, yes. But so PASSIVE. I mean, she’s very smart and I’m sure she would make an exceptional seer, predicting events and making plans accordingly and leading people telling them what is the best course of action to take— HEY! ACTUALLY, SHE’S BEEN ALREADY DOING THAT! IN HER FAQ! Mmmhh. Now it sounds slightly more reasonable. But but but THINK. Rose as a Witch. Oh, the sweet irony. The girl who despises wizards with her whole being becomes a witch. It fits her theme perfectly. For God’s sake, she has posters of Fluthlus in her room! And enjoys obscure literature! Which brings me to another point: Seer of Light. Are you kidding me? Rose and Light? What else is next? NANNA turns out to be the villain all along? Meh.
Now do you know who is perfect for the role? GG. GG has done nothing but predicting stuff. GG already has powers even though she’s not in the game yet. Although… she’s not making plans or doing anything with her information… or not that I know. But there is another thing that makes me think she fits perfectly. Seer of Light. Light as in hope and optimism. Seer of Light like a seer that only predicts good outcomes. Think about it. Has GG ever been predicting bad stuff? I think not. John will lose its present but HE WILL FIND IT IN THE MOMENT IT WILL BE MOST USEFUL TO HIM. Meteors are hitting the Earth but EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT SOON.
As for Witch of Space… I think it’s the one I’m most confused about. You can manipulate space through witchcraft? I don’t think either Rose or GG have shown some connection to the theme of Space. Well, GG is a fucking wild card though.
And this got from a liveblog post to a speculation post. I will probably be back later and start a new one where I really read something.