Dave’s special downgraded welsh sword, what it can be for?

One of the things that I checked out while thinking about this question was if there was a difference in appearance between the two Caledfwlches, and I was a bit surprised to see there wasn’t one. I’d assumed that the first Caledfwlch would be more colorful and not be combined with a cue-ball, but it appears to be the same sword. My guess is Dave is going to put the Caledfwlch in the stone on LOHAC himself to make it available for something or to teach himself a lesson.

Since Homestuck is really gamey (like venison!), it may be that the weapon that is a downgrade in certain aspects has a property that makes it overpowered or simply necessary for a certain fight, like taking a hit in attack power to lower the chances of status ailments. Dave is having a bad crisis of conscience and feeling pointless, this sword could show him that the idea of being perfect or the best is flawed and sometimes a downgrade is better.