I checked with BKEW to make sure the basic facts for this were accurate-ish.

So, in our galaxy, there are a fuckton of planets that could potentially support life, and even more in the universe. So since Skaia has all the time in the world, it can wait for various planets to develop intelligent life capable of playing the game. Which means there’s a chance that any given universe could spawn multiple successful sessions, which in turn would spawn multiple universes. Even if the number is as small as two, we’d end up with exponential growth in the number of universes. 

We heard from Aradia that she views Lord English as cleaning up loops. Could it also be that Lord English’s murderous rampage be cleaning up an excess of universes? Especially if he’s coming close to breaking through the void, and reaching whatever might be on the outside of that. And if whatever universe the kids are about to create will, as Calliope said, take them away from English and possibly the green sun, what does that mean about the structure of the multiverse?

Blah, I ran out of steam there. Oh well!