On deaths:

Vriska is going to die/double die. It just makes sense right now. Her issue has to do with wanting to be in the middle of things and wanting attention. So she can sacrifice herself epically, and everyone can recognize that she died being herself.

I can’t really see any of the humans dying, except maybe Jade staying dead. None of them have died permanently yet, unlike the trolls. I can kiiiiiiiind of see the alpha kids all dying. Their consorts were all dead, their session was inert, and they basically couldn’t do anything until the beta kids showed up, so I can see them all dying. But mostly I see the alpha and beta kids making it out alive.

Past that…I don’t know. I already said I don’t think English will die. I think there’s a better than even chance that English will kill Gamzee, or will do something like throw him into a black hole/nightmare zone where he won’t be able to do anything and everything will suck forever. If Gamzee dies I’m definitely expecting it to be at English’s hand.