TT: Ok. Magic is fake, the wands are useless toys, and there is something else going on. Next question???

Would it be so difficult to believe the power you’ve found to devastate your planet and create shortcuts through your session is not entirely by your own device?

Would it be so difficult to believe a young lady could be unwittingly apprenticed by more powerful entities who meant her potential to be realized later through some arbitrary trigger?

What would you say if I said a dutiful girl raised in the daylight was protected by a bulb-headed guardian, and learned to glow in the dark after death?

What would you say if I said a vengeful boy on a path of nihilism was taken under the wings of fearsome angels, and learned to destroy hope with their light?

What would you say if I said a reserved girl enamored by what dwelt in shadow was selected by the horrorterrors for service, and did their bidding at every step while convinced of her own autonomy?

Sooooo, I’m guessing that the first girl is Kanaya, since she is now glowy vampire, the second is Eridan since he was killing angels on his planet, and the third is Rose, because she’s been obeying the Gods in the Furthest Rings?