Trolls so far! Part one

Here’s the trolls I’ve met so far and the opinions I have on them:


Karkat Vantas, CarcinoGeneticist, Red Team Leader

His annoyance with the world was a good deal cuter when he was an anonymous troll apparent only through text. He’s a lot to take as a main character in the troll arc, oh man. His arrogance about his hacking skills is kind of annoying, too. But he’s pretty much a typical tween: mad at the world. I want to have him sit down and take some deep breaths, and then break his capslock button. I may also just be disliking him to be contrarian since apparently the fandom loves him and I love to be different.


Gamzee Makara, TerminallyCapricious, Red team

I really want to know why his face looks like that. Does he paint it, since he’s obsessed with clowns, or does it naturally look that way? His custodian is the water dragon looking thing, whose death made me really sad, so I’ve got a soft spot for this obnoxious kid.


Terezi Pyrope, GallowsCalibrator, Red team

I’m on the record already loving this lady! I mean, how do you not love that face? And she’s obsessed with dragons and likes roleplaying and stuffed animals. I mean, okay, she pretends to execute her toys, but who hasn’t done that? And she’s going to use her cane to fight! Also she seems to have as little patience for Karkat’s antics as I do. Diagnosis: Queen of my heart! 

Apparently she has some kind of special powers relating to her blindness and or coping with her blindness. And she can smell and taste words, which is both gross and awesome. 

Stay tuned for part two