what makes the pages of them on the meteor even more ominous is that before Dad and nannasprite came on there, there were 12 people on the lillypad. also I think the no door is because billious slick isn't ready yet, WV still needs to drop his ring in the forge to make the frog get to his final form,

*counts* Oh my god you’re right.

I mean, also, we’ve got Nannasprite flying around the lilypad, and if we have the other sprites show up we’ll potentially have even more parallels. 

But then…

Oh shit that’s how the sprites could die. Holding off Lord English. They are the kids’ duplicates, after all. Who have died before.

And who are somewhat pointless.

Well then!

And thanks for pointing out the door thing! Of course they can’t have a door to a universe that doesn’t exist just yet.