Why does Yaldabaoth look more worm-like than the other denizens, who are way more snake-like?

ETA: @random2908​ replied to me to point out that if you look really closely, you can see scales on Yaldabaoth! I’m not sure how much that nullifies my point: Yaldabaoth is still segmented, but it’s a definite point against it. Good catch!


Look at how he’s divided into segments. He even has a bit of a line running down him, like the ventral blood vessel of an earthworm. (I am not including images for comparison because worms are GROSS and this is not a bug blog! I do not want to risk grossing out anyone. Also be careful google imaging the ventral blood vessel because it’s a lot of dissection pictures.) Everything is present here as well, although less visibly so, so it might simply be an artistic choice that I’m overanalyzing. Even his statue on Dirk’s planet maintains the segments, although those are even less pronounced. Those segments might also be intended to be like the underside of a cobra, because that’s more segmented, but I can’t find any snakes that look like that all the way around, but they look pretty close to a stretched out version of an earthworm’s. 

Bonus: Earthworms are annelids/segmented worms and Yaldabaoth can only be reached by “borrowing deep into the center of the Earth.” 


Compare with Typheus, who has an occasional line where he bends, but no segments or line running down his body. Compare with Echidna who clearly has scales. They are both really snake-like and don’t have the line running down them or the segments. 

Okay so we’ve only seen three (?) denizens up close, but Yaldabaoth looks weird to a degree that I don’t think is just artistic license, and that weirdness is consistent through three different images. 

Sidebar: It is really fucking hard to find links for this stuff, when I’m doing searches on the MSPA search page and Yaldabaoth comes up with one result, because when Aranea talked about him she wrote Yalda8aoth.