I haven’t commented on anything Homestuck for a long time and with the final updates counting down to the 7th anniversary, I might as well talk about Caliborn possibly committing self-enucleation. What do I mean? Just hear me out and take a look.
See something strange? Look at Caliborn. Look at where his eyes are… or were. Look at how we have what looks like black lines sketched across them. One would think that it’s shadows at first, but that seems unlikely. Why? Because Mr. Sun Worm Guy is shining his light on him.
Throughout this whole upd8, Caliborn has been in shadow. More specifically, his face. And his face is still being obscured even when we can clearly see him. That just seems curious to me. Why would you keep Caliborn’s face hidden for so long? What purpose does that serve? Simple.
He removed them. He removed his own eyeballs.
Obviously, we knew that he will remove them eventually so that he can get his pool ball vision. But… Isn’t that a bit too early? Wouldn’t that be something that happens when he gets them? Not when you are about to fight a giant killer boss monster? Oh! But wait! Could it be?
Yaldabaoth has a face that is quite literally as bright as a sun. Maybe brighter if that is possible. Fighting such a creature would be practically impossible because you will be too blind to see where he is. Not to mention how much that light will burn your retinas. So Caliborn did exactly what you would expect him to do. Rip out his own eyeballs so that
Yaldabaoth can’t blind him. It… It makes sense if you are Caliborn. Trust me.
So yeah. By the time the next upd8 arrives, Caliborn is going to be eyeball-less. It will be gruesome. And so very metal. Mark my words!
Oh man, I was thinking something similar too while reading the update!
Forgot to say something about it in my reaction but damn this does
perfectly describe what I was thinking and more.
Holy shit! Holy. Shit.
It makes so much sense for the guy that bit his own leg off to get free of Calliope. Of course he’d be willing to further self-mutilate in order to win.