July 2014

Terezi/Dave/Karkat OT3, y/y? I really want to see Dave flying off with Karkat in his arms. And Terezi holding onto his cape and cackling or something. I wish I could draw, I would totally do that right now. 

Kanaya and Terezi are hissing and growling? That’s just weird, guys.

Everybody loves the mayor! And everybody loves Dave and Karkat’s banter.

Ohmygodtheirexpressions. Hehehe!


You can totally tell I’m sick here. Sorry. 

Wow, Caliborn really goes off the rails when Hussie’s Avatar isn’t there to troll him. 

Someone put Caliborn down for a nap. He clearly needs one.

Self suicide. As opposed to?

I need the non-awkward personal relationships badge. Like, right now. Is it in the What Pumpkin store? I will buy it.

Oh shit. I do not think Caliborn will make a good storyteller.

Oh my god, Homosuck is so boring.

Okay, this is clever. Shouldn’t have let Caliborn see it!


HAHA! Oh, Kanaya. 

Oh my god. Jade’s face, that folder…

Jade really doesn’t do intimidating well. 


Oh man, that’s how it’s still possible for Kanaya to resurrect the troll race. 


That’s an impressive power.


Wow, she’s terrible at being intimidating and yet, she’s really scary. 

HEE! Dave uses troll anatomy terms now!

Oh shit, John! Still zapping around! What gives?


John, you are hilarious.

So, Jade is no longer being mind/animal controlled by the Condesce, going by the lack of troll symbol on her forehead. She is Grimbark, so clearly she’s not thinking quite right, but is she making her own decisions? 

BTW my rhetorical questions aren’t real questions.

On the other hand, the Condesce does want to see Lord English defeated, so it’s probably not the worst thing that Jade is willing to work with her.

Under her snout all along? So it can’t be the green sun power…wonder what it is! Other than being some kind of an exploit or glitch.



A cue ball, huh. So, English’s servant/host’s head and his tools are his weakness. I am slightly ashamed that it didn’t occur to me, especially since Hussie’s Avatar tried to shoot one at English. 


— Complete Deobfuscation of Rose’s Text!!! —


I still can’t believe it. That reddit suggestion for singling out the parts of it that were exactly the text color of Rose within a threshold was good, but I thought they could have done a better job of typing over it, and it turns out you could get a VERY precise account of certain letters whether or not their pixels overlapped with the white in the background! Building on our initial theorywork, I merged every frame of the gif, used some text filters, then got the help of the MSPA Clubhouse Chat to figure out the words that fit without violating the pixels and: BLAM. Two hours later, look at this beautiful, beautiful thing.

Here’s the transcript in text form:

NOTE: The “((could be more here))“ is NOT in the original image, as you can see in the 2nd in-progress one by all the jade-green pixels it creates! That was just me noting that there’s a block there where there’s no way to tell if there’s any additional text. Sorry for the confusion!

(We’re probably going to get the other side of this log in a few days and it’ll all have been for nothing :P )

(EDIT: In case you’re curious, here are some of the in progress images from while we worked! EDIT2: And if you’re skeptical about some of the word choices, open up Photoshop and try replacing them in the first visible text layer in this original PSD file (warning, 12.5MB)! :D Remember to zoom in, because if you see a single stray jade-green pixel, that means your letter doesn’t fit :P )

Thanks to LegendaryQ, whitehelm, Zircean, CyclopsCaveman, and slovenlysine/Brumathan (the latter’s their forum name), and I believe I’ve shown I’ve done enough work myself too. :)

(EDIT 2013.08.01: For more deobfuscation of glitches, try my Glitch Deobfuscation tag!)

1. Damn, that is some crazy wizardry right there.

2. Oh man, so now I think I get the Condesce’s plan. She’s going to get a fresh universe, enter it instead of the players, and resurrect her race…Damn, she’s a clever sea-bitch.


Karkat is contagious. 

So I went looking for the Caledwlch pages and it totally didn’t  occur to me that it starts with Cal, and then I discovered that Caledwlch is Excalibur (which, y'know, duh) but also that Caledwlch was Romanized as Caliburn. Gosh!


Our poor seers.

Rainbow Rumpus Rehab Town! I want that on a t-shirt.


Rose’s face!


I guess the Homestuck cartridge is basically like our old N64 cartridges, then. Blow on it, problem solved.

Woah. That’s really something.

I’m still not sure what the juju is and what it did for John or for English, but holy shit.

So that’s another way they’ll exploit spacetime to defeat Lord English. If you’re going to beat the Lord of Time, it’s good to have someone who can break the laws of time.

My heart is breaking and also I am terrified that Jade just showed up. Rose, baby. Jade, you suck.

Fuck. That is just the last thing we need right now!

Well now that’s just really effing creepy. Jane standing there in the background with her skaia trident, and Jade floating with her scary eyes…

I am glad that everyone seems to be annoyed with evil Jade, rather than scared of her. Because she is seriously irritating when she’s evil. I don’t care if you’re being mind controlled, get out of the Condesce’s ass.

HEHE! Oh, Karkat, <3 you hilarious fellow. 

God, fuck evil Jade. Someone please snap her out of this. She isn’t even fun evil.

Oh shit she is hulking out. With the green and everything.

Jade zapping away while werewolfing out is really, really bad. D:

Karkat hiding behind Kanaya is the cutest thing. 

If only she knew to grab off that tiara and stomp it into dust. :(

I love Arquius so much.

On one hand, I want the trollsprites to go back to being dead trolls and then to get resurrected…on the other hand, Arquius is perfect.

Arquius knows just how to cut to the heart of things, doesn’t he? 

Yay, Arquius and Davesprite are getting together, dealing with their existential crises. That’s totally what I wanted. Now if only we got to see it.


Seriously, guys, I love Arquius so much. 

At first I was going to make a joke about Jade still being Jade despite the Condesce, but we saw that folder, I’m pretty sure the Condesce would love that sword too. 

Hey, so, apparently that picture is another retcon! I thought that finally knowing why the retcons were showing up would end them, but I realized that it probably means more about the type of time travel than a meta thing. He’s time traveling and changing things that aren’t supposed to be changed, that’s basically the definition of retcons. 

That makes a lot of sense. He’s a hero of time it’s probably not so bad that he time travels and stuff, but it’s got to be hard on the psyche, jumping around through time.

Seems like our heroes have had a lot of apathy after their three year travels. They really should have gotten a hypergravity chamber. I don’t recall the DBZ guys being all apathetic about their enemies.

I’d totally forgotten that not everyone knows why we hate Lord English. And “It’s the will of the empress” is a pretty bad way to explain it. 

They’re not exactly nebulous atrocities and they won’t be out in nowherespace forever, Dave! Also he’s generally a sexist douchebag.

Can we pleeeeeease have regular Jade back? I miss her.

I don’t care about your broken heart, evil Jade. Go back to being regular Jade, and then you can have emotions that matter.