July 2014

This is some primo Navy rank humor right here.

Well, he’s not wrong…

Even if we don’t care about the ghosts, Vriska is responsible for a hell of a lot of deaths…

But god damnit, I love her and John as a couple, they are so cute. And he really brings out the best in her.

John has a serious curiosity deficiency. “We’re almost to the thing, I’m going to go home.” Vriska is the best forever. Her boyfriend-ish tells her she’s dangerous and that he doesn’t want her back from the dead, and she’s still like, “Why the fuck are you leaving before the awesome shit?”

Woah, wtf is the flaming X about? I mean, it’s awesome, but what does it mean?! D:

A weapon that can be used once by him, and then once to destroy him? Sounds like something to do with Yaldabaoth. The choice he offered was to basically either create a Lord English superbeing, or destroy one. And Aranea did say that she doesn’t know how Yaldabaoth would manage to grant Caliborn that power… 

So, uh. I love Vriska and my heart is totally broken for her right now.

Obviously all this was super hard for her. She feels the deaths of her clone ghost friends. She’s sacrificing her own morality and integrity to do what she knows she has to to stop Lord English, and John judges her because she’s not properly fucked up about it.

Meanwhile he’s the one who made her feel like a person while she was dealing with guilt over trying to be a good troll but also knowing deep down that killing Aradia, and all the other trolls she had to kill to feed her lusus, was wrong. I think she needed that validation to keep being a good person. She needed to know she wasn’t beyond hope. And now based on an afternoon John says she might just be too far gone.

Also I see a parallel here between this and what Tavros did, refusing to kill her. She was going to die anyway, it was the right and necessary thing to do, but he opted to let her suffer because he didn’t want to go through with it. And it’s hard to kill your friend even if she’s dying, just like it’s hard to send ghosts to their deaths, but it has to be done. Those ghosts were going to die anyway, either because Vriska put them in Lord English’s way to lead her to the weapon, or because Lord English found them on his own as he tore through the Furthest Ring destroying everything. But John wants to wonder about the morality about it, like maybe we should mope some, just so he can be sure she’s not dangerous.

Okay I just quoted part of that in the last post, but man Vriska gets some great lines. She is so fucking cool. I love her so much. 

She has to set aside her own goodness to be a hero. She can’t choose to be moral, she is in a place where she can’t try to be a good person. She just has to be herself. 

Also I got distracted from saying–this is supposed to look like Caliborn’s face, right?


I love Kanaya and her funny language so much. 

I would be squeeing over Kanaya saying she needs Rose, but this isn’t exactly a shipping kind of conversation. 

Poor Kanaya. That really sucks. Everything just went to shit during those three years…

This is awesome!

Yeah Kanaya, be angry! For completely understandable reasons. 

*heart breaks*

Rose, are you just now realizing how serious this is? 

Oh, I can’t even be mad at her. The Roxy thing bugged me because I thought maybe it was just a joke but it’s really obvious here that Rose has a problem and just…I can see why she would end up abusing alcohol, even if she knows it threatens her relationship with Kanaya.

And I also can’t blame Kanaya for leaving her…

I don’t know how to describe my intense relief that they aren’t breaking up. Yay! Now Roxy needs to help Rose get on the wagon.



I knew it had something to do with Yaldabaoth! 

I assume it is highly significant that Yaldabaoth’s head is the Light aspect symbol. I can’t remember if we saw caricatures of the other denizens to know if they are also related somehow to the aspects…

Listfin. Inevibubble! FARESHELL! I love her terrible fish puns. 

Also I love her. I mean, that’s adorable. She wants to be all sociopathic, not caring about nothing but treasure and power…But she’s not Condy! She has fronds! She has feelings for her fronds!

Aradia’s face is the most perfect face. She’s just so pleased by Meenah’s existential angst!

Vriska definitely does think she’s in the movies. 

Aw, I just love Vriska, Aranea, and Meenah so much. I just want to see them going on piratey adventures.

ARADIA’S FACE. Her face. Her faaaaaaaace!

Also Meenah’s awesome existential breakdown. But mostly Aradia’s face.

Oh, Hussie. You clever, coy bastard. Hanging a lampshade on your mockery of your devoted fans. 

Vriska, my heart and soul, the audience’s true champion!

It’s…the sburb logo?

Okay, I won’t play coy, BKEW totally pointed out to me that it’s transparent. Like there’s a hole in the picture.

Yeah John, do it! Don’t listen to Vriska, who has been helping you out and seems to honestly care about you, listen to Aradia, who grins at the idea of the fabric of the universe falling apart!









Holy shit.

And then there are pages and pages of John’s arm showing up everywhere.


oh fuck

Goddamnit another fucking pool reference.

Also now we know why their gang is called the felt, I guess.

Things I am not okay with:


It annoys me that downloading the image and zooming in doesn’t make it any clearer what those things are.

Yellow ruler? Like…the yellow yard? I mean, if it’s a yellow yard stick…?

Did English really just leave his machine gun behind? That seems like a bad decision.

What the fuck does the voodoo doll even do? Has it been established and I just missed it? 

Caliborn’s is pretty expressive. It’s just English who always has the same expression, because there’s more wrong with him than just being a skull monster.

Aren’t they supposed to be dead? Did pulling out the pins bring them back to life? Am I getting the order of events here all wrong? 

The windows are on the other side of that curtain, right? The ones that Jade and John flew through? And that’s the yellow lawn ring yard?

I don’t have to offer any commentary, the comic did it for me!

Well, what is it? 

The Blue Sun? WTF that light was tiny how he is totally lit up?

Oh, one of the kids’ planets, then.

And now we have two Jacks getting kind of close to each other…Can’t be good…

HAHA oh man. Yeah, that’s just the right face to make if you see someone kissing a decapitated head.

HAHA! That is so cute. He’s so tiny on 15’s shoulder. Lil tiny Caliborn. Most adorable of villains.

So he’s finally listening to Gamzee. Caliborn truly has learned the value of other people. 

I’m guessing his double crossing doesn’t work very well. There are stray Noirs everywhere!

Awwwww, poor Caliborn, his audience is gone and now he is lonely! 

Cutest staredown. Lookit him, he’s just so darling. 

Awwww, baby. All alone and with no idea where he is. 

I don’t know why I find it so sad that he’s calling for Dave but I do.

Awwwww, poor thing!

Wait, canonspace? That’s a new one.


And a Dirk and a PM. 

Being able to see Terezi’s eyes is totally freaking me out.

Also awwww Kanaya has her arm around Rose, that’s adorable.