June 2014

This post has been dedicated to Feferi’s face.

She has a good face.


You are not going to join Jack! What do you think you have to offer him? You are pathetic and annoying and he is nigh all powerful. He is gonna kill you dead.

I screenshotted Karkat’s reaction, because it was pretty much identical to mine.

And then I went skipping ahead many, many pages, to see if they got resurrected somehow, but it all just got left behind and nothing and nowhere and the fuck, can they really all be dead?

I mean, at least they could have gotten better deaths than being killed by Eridan.


I am so scared, you guys.


Oh god.

Nooo, Karkat, nooo!

Feferi isn’t dead, she’s just about to become a vampire!

Or not. But hey, don’t turn your back on a vampire either!

Oh my god, you kiss ass. 

His entire conversation with Nepeta was seriously the cutest thing ever. And it’s nice to see a moirallegiance that has a two-way benefit, since Nepeta needs his protection and all. Not like Eridan, who is a drain on everyone around him. (And apparently has been hitting on every guy he thinks he could have the slightest rivalry with.)


He is so cute.

Oh my god, Nepeta’s ships are so cute. 

I love that she has Jade as an auspistice with future and past Karkat. Most adorable. 

And hopefully she’s right about Karkat being a moirail for Gamzee now, maybe he’ll be able to make the killing stop.

Oh god oh fuck that is not good. 

Please let that be Kanaya.

Nepeta’s reaction is definitely hurting me more than Equius’s death. 

Oh, baby. :( 

Jesus fucking christ that is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen.

I really hope he didn’t kill Nepeta. Although I doubt she made it out alive. Just…

Poor Vriska. 

I really love her characterization and how she’s written. It slowly becomes more and more apparent that she isn’t evil, and it’s clear that she’s under so much stress she doesn’t know what to do.

Even this. She’s a scared, confused kid, and she killed a friend out of rage, and now she feels terrible about feeling guilty, which makes it super hard for her to be moral at all, much less how when she was younger.

Oh my god, Vriska! You killed Aradia and totally forgot about it? Well, I guess a lot has happened since then…

Vriska really must love John. 

I’m so sad that she is okay with her people dying, if that means humanity got to exist. 


I’m pretty sure that’s not what it means, Sollux. It would be nice, but it seems unlikely. 

It must be really nice though, for Sollux to not care about being blind. And not care about Feferi being dead. Like, you would think either one of those would get some reaction. 

Plus weren’t his eyes magic?

This sounds really familiar and horrifyingly creepy. I remember someone being called to the window and then horrible things happening and I don’t want any more horrible things to happen.

So maybe Aradia didn’t enter the god tier, she’s just dead and looks all god-tiery?

Also, poor Dave. Wants to go home and there’s Tavros, playing with fire.

This excellent news has healed my soul, slightly.


This is everything I needed in one image.

I take that back, this is the most beautiful thing.

This I may save for next time I have to correct someone online.


Jack just killed mom and dad? 

Off screen, before the characters had a chance to do like, anything? 

Awwww, that is just the cutest! Bec might make Jack super strong, but he also made him feel love for Jade. 100% perfect.


Aradia, how are you such a fucking badass? Even as a baby.

I have barely figured out wtf is going on in this whole thing and nobody is on IM to explain it to me. :( I don’t know which Aradia is which from when and why one turned into a robot and I am just so confused.

Kanaya isn’t dead! Kanaya is going to be okay! All is right with the world. 

So this means they weren’t meant to ascend to god tier during their actual session. Although I guess “meant” isn’t necessarily the right word, since it’s as much the result of a time loop where the effects create cause and all sort of madness. Who knows if they were actually “groomed” for anything, or if it seems like they were because it’s inevitable. 

And now, after painstaking explanation, I understand what’s going on with the Aradias. 


She is a vampire!

For once my speculation was correctish!

Sooooooo. Becquerel, first guardian of Earth, was made by the MEOW DNA written by Rose. And Doc Scratch, first guardian of Alternia, was made by a 24 digit sequence.

Okay, there could be overlap that reduces it down to 4, if each troll was writing hunks of the sequence in their own letters, but each of the letters translated to the same four…except for Vriska and Terezi, who wrote with 3 and 5 digits, which would make for a weird translation, if it’s comparable to a DNA sequence. And except for Gamzee, unless the upper and lower case letters are exchangeable, which could make sense given how he types…

Also, it’s implied that Terezi and Vriska are sisters? I’m not sure how troll biology and genetics works wrt siblings, I assume they’re less closely related than John and Jade, but are they related through the same means? The journal Vriska got and the events it was supposed to mirror implied that they had different ancestors, but at that point who even knows. And if they don’t really have the concept of siblings, then does it even matter? Never mind, this has been corrected. It’s a play on Scourge Sisters, rather than them actually being sisters. Although how trolls have the concept of siblings is still odd.

Does Doc Scratch’s omniscience mean that he knows that offering her candy would make it infinitely more creepy, not less? 

Because ew.

So uh, at first I assumed he meant that Dave was his ectobiological father, but then I remembered that Doc Scratch was made of the code combined with a cue ball and Lil Cal (and possibly items not shown), and Bro was definitely Cal’s keeper, and uh, that is really weird.

Maybe instead of taking screen shots like I usually do, I should copy and paste the text so it’s easier to read.

Doc Scratch’s argument really only makes sense if you’re omniscient. He knows everything so in every conversation he has to choose what information to withhold just in interest of time and ease. But if you’re not omniscient, then withholding information intentionally is a lie, in a way. I can’t decide if what he’s doing was intentionally misleading Rose, though, or if his plan is just so long and complex that telling her the necessary facts wouldn’t work.

TT: What exactly does the Scratch do, then?
It resets the game.
TT: Oh.
TT: That’s it?
TT: Then,
TT: We all start from the beginning again? When John entered?
The release of temporal energy will be quite massive.
This is a hard reset. It will reboot the conditions in your universe well before you began playing the game.
You will have lived different lives after the reset. The different initial conditions will ideally lead to a more favorable scenario in the new session.
Unfortunately, you will have no memory of anything that has happened in the session you are in now.
TT: What will happen to us? Everyone in this session now?
You will all cease to exist completely if you remain here during the Scratch.
TT: This seems familiar.
TT: It reminds me of when Dave and I were trapped in the doomed timeline, and he left to change the past.
TT: The timeline ceased to exist, along with my dream self, who in a way became merged with my dream self of this timeline. I kept some of her memories.
TT: Is the situation similar?
Similar, but more severe.
Since this timeline will undergo such a violent upheaval, such a merger of memory cannot happen.
You will be resigned to absolute oblivion.
Unless you can discover a way to preserve yourselves.
But it’s not really my place to advise you on that.
After you have dealt with the Scratch and the sun, what happens to you is not any of my business.

I would find this more worrisome, except at this point I’m assuming that the kids get into the trolls’ world to protect themselves from obliteration. 

A hard reset is really interesting, but I thought the kids’ session was never meant to be successful anyway. I guess that could be determined after the creation of the universe, though.

TT: Ok. Magic is fake, the wands are useless toys, and there is something else going on. Next question???

Would it be so difficult to believe the power you’ve found to devastate your planet and create shortcuts through your session is not entirely by your own device?

Would it be so difficult to believe a young lady could be unwittingly apprenticed by more powerful entities who meant her potential to be realized later through some arbitrary trigger?

What would you say if I said a dutiful girl raised in the daylight was protected by a bulb-headed guardian, and learned to glow in the dark after death?

What would you say if I said a vengeful boy on a path of nihilism was taken under the wings of fearsome angels, and learned to destroy hope with their light?

What would you say if I said a reserved girl enamored by what dwelt in shadow was selected by the horrorterrors for service, and did their bidding at every step while convinced of her own autonomy?

Sooooo, I’m guessing that the first girl is Kanaya, since she is now glowy vampire, the second is Eridan since he was killing angels on his planet, and the third is Rose, because she’s been obeying the Gods in the Furthest Rings?

Rose, you poor baby. You poor thing. I just want to hug you and tell you it will be alright. You deserved so much better. :(

GODDAMNIT ROSE. That is more rash and more impetuous! That is a terrible, terrible idea. Suicide plans are usually bad plans.

Oh shit, asking if the gods are evil is what made Rose go black for Kanaya! That’s even worse.

I tried a bunch of times to get caps of the words that popped up during Seer: Ask and couldn’t manage but one, which I couldn’t read. Maaaan. I did notice the little Squiddle symbol thing at the end though!

Why would asking the cue ball that make Rose go grimdark black? Did the gods use it to possesss her or something? For real, wtf. 

Somebody needs to stop her. Of that I am sure.

Oh my god the tumor is huge and ugly. WTF.

It is so obviously Jade that I am sure it’s not. There are like five contenders for the role if I read everything possible into the letter. None of them seem fitting. 

God, that picture of John is just so cool. Dave would be jealous.

His leadership is completely adorable. I am totally ‘shipping him with Karkat right now, because Karkat is the angry yelly leader, and John is the lovable friendly leader and it’s awesome.


Rose was feeling bad about not going and seeking out her mom, but I’m pretty sure John’s choice to look for his dad is going to end horribly. He can’t just hand the tumor off to who the fuck ever and trust that it will get to Rose. I mean, dramatic irony, he has no idea his dad is already dead, but that is still a terrible idea. Life and death shit here, John. Pay attention.

Oh shit, Rose!

I split this one up because I wasn’t sure how long it was going to go, for the final 2ish minutes, click here.


Here’s my reaction to the video that comes immediately after [S] Seer: Descend. 

John can’t be dead. I like him. :(

My heart literally and completely broke when Dave said he didn’t love Bro. Maybe he’s lying, or maybe he and Rose really didn’t grow up with actual love. (And Jade grew up without parents and just the love of her dog. This is so effing tragic for reals.

Wow, Dave really is upset. He’s having survivor’s guilt over bro, the hero, dying, when he, the fool, is still alive. Poor thing just doesn’t know how to cope. :( So instead he’s going to do something ridiculous and ill-advised. 

I may have laughed so hard I inhaled a mouthful of tea.