May 2014

Okay, holy shit, now I get it.

See, seeing Alternia in a spiral galaxy just like ours had me thinking that that might not be Earth. 


Because there is a planet, surrounded by the very constellations that surround Earth. Constellations that correspond to each of our 12 trolls. They created a universe, and were going to (I know this because I read ahead) rule over the Earth. Woah.

Oh my god this is a perfect chatlog, and a perfect response to Karkat’s rage. Now John is trolling Karkat and it is awesome.

Haha! John has an injoke with future Karkat that present Karkat doesn’t get!

Hahaha, this is the best conversation I’ve ever seen.


I like the trolls but I’m glad to be back with our four.

Clearly I’ve gotten confused about the timeline here, did Vriska not lose her arm and eye yet, or did she somehow heal them? WTF is going on?

Vriska you suuuuuuck. You suck. 

Oh John, you are such a sweetheart, killing imps just because they have brooms and Vriska made you think trolls don’t like cleaning materials.

I am possibly over invested in Rose’s relationship with her mom. It’s so sweet she asked if her mom seemed happy. I hope they get to meet eventually and patch things up. 

The fact that the characters are all kids makes some of this story really rough, for me at least.

Oh my god that’s so fucking badass. Rose is the best.

Also I love the phrase “snatch purpose from the jaws of futility.” It speaks to me much more than the victory/defeat original. There are times when everything in life seems pointless, the idea of finding some purpose in it, even if it’s undermining the system, is poetic in a way.

Oh my god, that’s beautiful.

It looks like Super Mario if it was about Super Princess Peach instead, and that’s her girly-but-awesome enemy’s castle.

I love Kanaya’s reaction to seeing that Rose doesn’t live up to the kick-ass-and-take-names troll woman she’d imagined. 

Haha! Poor Kanaya, she’s all ready to talk to  Rose now that their timelines have lined up, and Rose has to go and explode her gate at that very moment. Their romance must surely be cursed. (No, do not send me spoilers about their romance. No spoilers!)


And also aw, Kanaya’s crush is so cute.

I have yet to get to why Kanaya doesn’t want to tell Rose that she read the walkthrough at the beginning of the troll session. I guess the timeline is a bit weird, but why would Kanaya be so cagey about it?

Sooo, sooo gay. I love it. This is my giant yay-fictional-lesbians smile!

I figure there’s two ways to read this:

First, that Kanaya doesn’t want to keep Rose from going down that “black corridor” because she was trying to convince Rose to do something else, or…

The whole “pacify” thing sounded like too much of a moirallegiance when what Kanaya really wants is much more flushed.

I’m pretty sure it’s the latter. 

MEAN. Give us a huge concept and then just leave it at that!

God, this is why I can’t stop reading this comic thing. I have stuff to do! But I also must know!


Then there’s a chance we could find out some information about the omnipresent frog mystery and it’s all NOPE Vriska wants to play dress up too. 

You know when you’re enjoying something so much you get mad at it because you just want to escape it? 

I’m getting a bit of a flushed vibe from these guys, too. With Vriska helping John out all the time, and John doing things in eights now too. 

No, you've got the timeline right re: Vriska. Briefly, the timeline is: she jumped Tavros off a cliff, Aradia sent ghosts after her, she mind controlled Sollux into eating mind honey and showing up at Aradia's hive, where the mind honey caused him to kill her, Terezi (with Sollux's help) contacted Doc Scratch who blew up the ball in Vriska's face, then lots of time passed ("sweeps" the text says, so years). Then in the game, Aradia beat up Vriska, the game was won then lost, and now here we are.

Ah-ha! So I assume Aradia killed Vriska (maybe not intentionally but damn that was a bad beating) and dream Vriska took regular Vriska’s place. 

And maybe Aradia wanted that to happen? She doesn’t seem the beat someone to death just for revenge type.

I’m sure the 413 thing has been talked about before, but now I get why Terezi doesn’t use 0 instead of O. I was wondering about that! 

Oh no, something terrible will happen to Prospit! Much like something terrible happened to the other Prospit. Shit.

Well fuck. That’s not good. What is the point of destroying Prospit even, if the game is over?

I love how Terezi totally doesn’t care enough to actually investigate. Just moves right along. There’s blood in the air, whatever!

Dude that’s so fucking badass.

Also, I wonder why Bro decided to be Dave’s brother instead of his dad. Originally I assumed that they were, y'know, brothers, but it looks like Bro adopted Dave and raised him on his own. I guess being an older brother who cares for his younger brother is cooler than being a parent.

Is this the first (chronological) appearance of Jegus?! 

Alright, I want to take a moment to talk about troll gender politics because I am a bit confused. See, I was told that troll women are tougher and stronger than troll men, which is why Karkat told Tavros to stop playing games for girls when Vriska threw Tavros off a cliff. But then why would Terezi here say that Dave will cry like a girl, unless it’s to (not to overstate the point or get overly feminist here) imply that girls are weak and cry a lot?

Ahahahahaha! Terezi sent Dave back to give future Dave the thumbs up, that’s so cute.

I have come to the conclusion that Terezi and Dave are totally matesprites for life.

I was going to ask if I should record an audio response to this video, but then I felt silly and I figured of course there would be something important.

So…listen to me be horrified by Vriska and Nick Cage.

The two different reactions to that…thing are pretty funny. 

Was Karkat’s entire memo seriously to tell John and Dave to stop flirting with Vriska and Terezi? Jeeez Karkat. Obviously they are not going to listen to you.

Well, that is a fantastic idea, Karkat. I am sure everyone will obey that. And not go insane because of it. Although I’m not sure if trolls need to sleep. I guess this order kind of implies that they don’t, maybe.

Gonna be liveblogging [S] Past Karkat: Wake Up for quite a while, it looks like! 

Most of the trolls look awesome with the art in this game, but holy shit Gamzee, what is wrong with your face? He looks terrible! Go get a coffee, man.

God Karkat, is there anything you won’t flip out over? I think somebody needs to start meditating. He’s going to have a heart attack at 20 at this rate.

HAHA! Kanaya, my dear heart! 

I bet Karkat never expected to have to issue that order.

Actually, no, given his team, it’s not that weird of an order to give.


Oh god, Equius is such a subby, kinky bastard. 

Wait so, ctrl+T triggers a Chrono Trigger-esque teleportation, and then you end up in a room with the Mother 2/Earthbound kids? (I think the room is significant too, but I can’t place it.)

Sollux is adorable in this game!

Also dude, Tavros had his legs cut off with a chainsaw, that’s not exactly a little blood!

Aw, that’s so sweet, creepy, and awkward, all at the same time!


2. Karkat’s leadership style of “Annoy Equius” is tactical brilliance.

Aw, those are the cutest bugs I’ve ever seen!

Oh man, the sexual tension between Vriska and Kanaya in this conversation! Poor Kanaya, all heartbroken over Vriska kissing Tavros. Luckily Kanaya has Rose to distract her from the pain and loneliness!

Aw, that’s so mean! And completely understandable.

Woah! Did we know she fought the demon? I thought it was the black king, but maybe I’m misremembering things. 

Aw! She likes him! It’s kind of adorable.

Or it would be if she didn’t immediately start bullying him. Guess it’s his fault for letting himself be bullied though, what a pushover. 

Oh shit!

Is that the monster?

Does it have…udders?

Vriska, you really have a Nick Cage shrine? For shame. My respect for you continues to dwindle.

Oh Vriska, you are such an asshole, I respect you a bit more again.

Oh my gosh, what a cutie pie. Poor baby, you try so hard to be noble and mature, but you’re really just a kiddo.

Please oh please oh please tell me we’re about to get some info.